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I am a certified personal trainer with the determination and the desire to help others achieve their goals. I offer personal training services at Body Transformations which is located at 540A South Hwy 27, Minneola, FL 34715. Contact me for your free consultation!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Getting Past Mental Roadblocks

Getting Past Mental Roadblocks
As we enter into third month of 2010, where do you stand with your resolutions?

Have you made progress or did your motivation sizzle out?

Most people wait around for motivation to strike them like a lightning bolt. Well, I've got news: motivation isn't something that happens to you - it's something that you create for yourself.

If you don't feel motivated to achieve your goals, it is likely due to mental roadblocks that hold you hostage. Read the following 21 Mindset Tips and prepare your mind for success.
  1. Success comes first in the mind, so visualize yourself accomplishing your goals.
  2. Remember, you are the only person who can hold you back.
  3. Forgive yourself and love yourself despite past failures.
  4. Decide what is important in your life, and focus on that.
  5. Conquer each negative thought the moment it enters your mind, when it is weakest.
  6. Give up the idea that things won't go right unless you worry about them.
  7. If you bring the body of your dreams to the point of resolve, then you'll soon be living in it.
  8. Look towards your future, if you believe the best is yet to come then it will be.
  9. You become what you think about most.
  10. The margin between success and failure is very small and easily bridged by determination.
  11. Start your day by accomplishing your hardest task first.
  12. Set small attainable goals, rather than one monumental goal.
  13. Convince yourself that exercise is fun, and it will be.
  14. Know your big reason why.
  15. Create a motivating play list of songs to use as the sound track to your workout sessions.
  16. Every decision you make leads you either closer toward achieving your goal, or farther from it.
  17. If you think you're a fat person, then you'll stay fat. If you think you're fit, then you soon will be.
  18. Once you've set your goal, your attitude either pushes you toward accomplishment or failure.
  19. If you don't know exactly where you want to go, you will likely end up someplace else.
  20. You can have the body of your dreams, but first you must give up the belief that you can't.
  21. You can only have two things in life: excuses or results.
If you're sick and tired of making excuses, then contact me today to get started on a results-driven fitness program.
Contact me with your email address so that you can subscribe to my twice monthly newsletter full of great tips and recipes!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

You have to eat to lose weight!

Here is the bottom line: if you want to lose weight and keep it off then you have to pay attention to your metabolism. Clinically speaking, energy (in the form of calories) is the fuel that heats your body's furnace. The hotter your furnace burns the more calories it uses.

There are a number of things that affect your metabolism. Your level of activity is the first. The more you exercise, the faster your metabolism runs, even during the rest of the day and evening. Regular exercise builds lean muscle mass, and muscle burns more calories than fat. So basically, the more lean muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism, and the more calories you burn.

The second thing that affects your metabolism is the food you eat AND the time of day you eat it. If you don’t put enough food in your body, your furnace doesn’t have anything to keep it going. If you skip breakfast and "save" your calories until later in the day, your blood sugar is all over the place and once again, your metabolism is affected.

Your body is not a mind reader; it doesn’t know why you are doing what you are doing. It doesn’t have the ability to work out that by depriving yourself of food you are trying to achieve what you perceive to be a positive outcome. It simply knows what is best for you and it will do everything it can to make sure you are healthy. So when you starve yourself (as a method of quick weight loss), your metabolism actually responds by slowing down, storing fat and using fewer calories. Your body is literally trying to save you from starvation; and so it should!

If you want to lose weight long term, it’s time to be sensible about it. Most weight loss experts recommend that you eat small meals often. When I say small meals I’m not talking about a handful of ‘Chicken McNuggets’ or a small Coke. I’m talking about good, wholesome, low fat, unprocessed food. The key to permanent weight loss is to eat enough to keep your metabolism going but not so much that you store the excess as fat. It’s a balancing act, but one you can master if you eat sensibly and listen to your body. Remember: eating is not a sin; it is a necessity for your survival. Treat your body with kindness and it will respond in the same manner!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stay at home mom of three children under the age of 6 decided to give Solo Slim a try because despite working out on a regular basis her actual weight loss had stalled. She has been taking it for one month so far and she is excited about the appetite curbing and the increased energy. She was surprised at the fact that she didn't feel the need to eat cake at a birthday party...she said that definitely wasn't the norm! Even more impressive is that she is down 15 pounds!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


In one of my earlier posts I wrote about what Solo Slim is and how it works.
The most current, and I will post the others also, testimonial is from a school teacher getting ready for her wedding! She hasn't even been using it a month and has already lost 7 (seven) pounds!! That is without the extra assistance that exercise would add! How awesome is that?!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

SODA...POP...COKE, whatever you call it!

Research says that the average American drinks more than 48 gallons of IT a year!

Obesity rates have risen in tandem with soft drink consumption which, in turn, increases the risk of diabetes. The study concluded that those who drank one or more non-diet sodas per day were 83 percent more likely to develop Type II Diabetes.

Soda consumption, in combination with a sedentary lifestyle, is a recipe for disaster.

Let's remove the soda from your daily life and begin working toward a non-sedentary lifestyle...choose to extend your years by making healthier decisions!

(Additional Source: Laborer's Health and Safety Fund of North America)

Fitness for Life!
Holly Rhoda, CPT

Friday, January 8, 2010

Kitchen Survival Guide

In my constant quest to keep you informed I found (and bought) the newest book by David Zinczenko and Matt Goulding, Authors of "Eat This, Not That!".  Their most current publication is called "Cook This, Not That!" and is perfect for all.  Whether you're like me and barely stand in the kitchen (which makes it a little difficult to actually cook), or you tend toward the other extreme and find cooking to be an enjoyment (and maybe even exciting), this cookbook will show you how to turn the expensive, unhealthy foods at America's restaurants into fat-blasting superfoods that cost just pennies!  So, it's the ultimate cookbook that saves you money!  What could be better?

Since I am an advocate of not 'dieting' but making healthier decisions which will lead to more permanent weight loss, the fact that this book boasts "The No-Diet Weight Loss Solution" is just one more reason I encourage you to pick it up for yourself.

Helping you make yourself a priority!
Holly Rhoda, CPT

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